Cabis has Celebrated there 30th Anniversary in the month of June

Cabis has Celebrated there 30th Anniversary in the month of June
Established as a non-profit organization on June 4th, 1994, CABIS emerged from the heartfelt initiative of concerned parents who convened in 1991. Their collective vision birthed a vital support network for survivors of brain injuries, caregivers, and families alike. Since its inception, CABIS has been sustained by the generosity of our community through donations and proceeds from bingo/casino events.
Weekly gatherings offer a spectrum of engaging activities and invaluable caregiver support, including the enlightening Travelling Brain School. As we mark Brain Injury Awareness Month this June, CABIS is proud to join forces with the Alberta Red Deer Royal Purple for the annual Brain Walk Picnic on June 20th, from 12 to 3pm at Rotary Park. This event not only fosters awareness but also prevention of brain injury and serves as a platform for fundraising, ensuring our ongoing presence and assistance within Central Alberta.
The Alberta Royal Purple Association donated $10,000 for our virtual caregiver programs, starting in January. Starting weekly on January 19th, from 12-1pm we will be hosting a caregiver support group via Zoom. If you're interested, email or call 403-341-3463.
We are excited to announce that Club CABIS is officially back in full swing! We will be hosting our group sessions every Thursday from 1pm to 3pm, in the boardroom of our office. If you are not currently a member, but would like to become one, please contact us by phone or email!
We will be hosting the Ladybug Caregiver Support Group via a teams meeting.
The meetings are held every Wednesday 12-1pm. Feel free to contact us if you have any questions.
The Travelling Brain School is an educational program available for purchase via our website. If you are interested in having your students learn more about the brain and the effects of brain injury in person, please phone or email us for more information!
Our staff and volunteers offer Understanding, Empathy, Compassion and support for persons with brain injury, their families and caregivers.
CABIS was created in 1991 by concerned family members who were caring for children and adults who suffered a Brain Injury. At the time there were no services for individuals who were living with a brain injury in Central Alberta.
We provide support for individuals living with brain injury, their families and caregivers, while raising awareness within the community
Your support and contributions will enable us to meet our goals to support our survivors, caregivers and school programs
TBI occurs at an annual rate of 500 out of 100,000 individuals. That is approximately 165,000 in Canada. This equals 456 people every day, or one person injured every 3 minutes in Canada?